Fighting loneliness: ‘My new friend is 79’ – BBC News
November 18, 2020 by adam wassahlen
Fighting loneliness: 'My new friend is 79' BBC NewsUS paid for ambassador to New Zealand, Scott Brown, to fly on private jet – The New Indian Express
November 18, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to New Zealand, Scott Brown, to fly on private jet The New Indian ExpressUS paid for ambassador to fly on private jet so he could avoid NZ’s managed isolation – 1News
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to fly on private jet so he could avoid NZ's managed isolation 1NewsUS paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet – Kamsack Times
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet Kamsack TimesUS paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet – Preeceville Progress
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet Preeceville ProgressObituary: Adrian M. Langhus – Prescott Daily Courier
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
Obituary: Adrian M. Langhus Prescott Daily CourierUS paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet – Times Colonist
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet Times ColonistU.S. paid for Scott Brown, wife to fly on private jet in New Zealand, avoiding quarantine –
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
U.S. paid for Scott Brown, wife to fly on private jet in New Zealand, avoiding quarantine Boston.comUS paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet – Associated Press
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
US paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet Associated PressU.S. paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet – Minneapolis Star Tribune
November 17, 2020 by adam wassahlen
U.S. paid for ambassador to New Zealand to fly on private jet Minneapolis Star Tribune